What do the verified ticks mean?

You may notice green or gold ticks next to someone’s username.

We’ve done this to help you identify two types of users in the Upside ecosystem:

Active users → Green ticks 🟢

These users know their way around the Upside app. Green users are typically trying to improve their Idea success rate with the ultimate aim of becoming a gold tick user!

Become a Green tick by initiating 10 Ideas.

Performing users → Gold ticks 🟡

Look out for the Ideas of Gold tick users - they’re worth noting!

Gold tick users have a proven track record of great Ideas. It’s our first public performance rating based on Idea efficacy.

Over time, Green and Gold verifications will be based on Upside scores - a scoring model that has been evolving for over ten years, five of which were in the wild of a hedge fund environment.