
Start here

Upside is a hedge fund in your pocket to help you refine your investment skills and start your success story!

  1. Go to the Discover page and find stocks that interest you.
  2. Add instruments to your Watchlist - we'll use your Watchlist to populate your Feed of insights.
  3. Have a look at your Feed. Once you have added instruments to your Watchlist - your Feed will be populated with interesting insights. Find correlated stocks, get price alerts, news stories, as well as technical indicator alerts. View Ideas that other people in the Upside community have on stocks you've Watchlisted.
  4. Create an Idea. Take in insights from your Feed and begin thinking about your forecast for a stock. Go to the company page of a stock and create an Idea.
  5. Build a portfolio blueprint. Once you have a few active Ideas - go to the portfolio blueprint builder and let us help you design a portfolio that matches your risk profile. You’ll see historical performance and your portfolio's overall ESG rating.
  6. (Coming 🔜) Trading. Trade through Upside using your portfolio as the entry point to trading stocks you have a view on.

To make sure we keep building the tools that will help you become a better, more confident investor - we want to hear from you. Send us a mail help@upsidetechnology.co and let us know your thoughts.